Sunday, May 4, 2008

Robbins need CBT just as much as ME patients...

First professor CBT said we are lazy people and then recently he published an article stating that on average people with CFS, as he can't GET the word ME over his lips, are in general more active and sporty before they fell ill with CFS then the average person.

Even more so, we continue to do so while we are ill as we don't want to give up until we realise that we just can't continue to do our sports etc. So in fact our beloved professor says here, GET is useless and actually very dangerous as we all know to well ...

And now he has published a paper that the ONLY use of CBT is to help you cope with fears and anxiety, so again, he is actually finally acknowledging the fact that ME isn't cured by CBT and that CBT in a person who really has ME is utterly useless, a bit like watching paint dry...

I just wonder, has he told his counterpart in that little town in Holland, who keeps on producing weekly newsbulletins that he cures 70% of CFS patients with CBT.

If you have a look at the English articles on the excellent Dutch site by FRANK TWISK, who analyses all these articles and then if you count and see how well the CBT people are at creative accounting about 0.000001% of people with CFS actually improve with CBT.

And yes I agree, that is an amazing achievement.

So if you ask me, what have the ROBBINS and smoking got to do with each other, well just as much as CBT with ME ...

Have a GOOD DAY...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your forthrightness, and sincer efforts.

However, please learn the critical differences b/n:

1 - the 'syndrome' based on
'fatigue' and called CFS...
2 - the psychosocial illness MODEL called CFS/ME...(no WHO classification)
3 - the misnomer (and ill-conceived blend) called ME/CFS...(no WHO classification)
4 - the CAA's made up name of CFIDS...(no WHO classification)


5- true ME (Myalgic Encephalomyeltis), which is differently classified by the WHO under G93.3, Neurogenic (which means it starts in the brain.)

20 years of mass confusion have mucked all of these disparate things together, and it is a royal mess. It is beyond time to get back to the details and specifics and help everyone learn to differentiate b/n them all.

People with ME, G93.3, become ill suddenly (acutely) due to a 'sudden onset viral event' that damages their brain, brain stem and CNS. This original damage then causes a 'cascade of events htroughout the body', causing a multi-systemic illness that is incredibly debilitating and even fatal. It has nothing to do with 'fatigue'.


LK Woodruff, USA


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