Sunday, October 19, 2008

CBT: Calling Bulls Timid and ...


Anonymous said...

I know that face! It belongs to the NICE doctor who called M.E. an 'abnormal illness belief".

Was he talking through his ar**?

Anonymous said...

a scientific experiment:

Professor Weasel and his learned assistant, Prof Verypointyend,gave a wonderful public demonstration to illustrate his principles of “Evidence-based medicine”.

He had a frog on his bench, to which he gave the instruction “Jump!”.
The frog jumped.

Prof Verypointyend then took the frog away, surgically removed a front leg, and brought it back.

“Jump!” said Prof Weasel. The frog jumped.

Prof Verypointyend took the frog away, removed it’s other front leg and brought it back.

“Jump!” said Prof Weasel. The frog jumped.

Prof Verypointyend took the poor beast away again, this time removing a back leg before returning it.

“Jump!” said Prof Weasel. The frog tried, but only managed bit of a sideways flop.

Verypointyend took the beast away and removed its last leg, before returning it again to Prof Weasel.

“Jump!”, he shouted. The frog stayed completely still.

Triumphantly, the eminent Professor announced,

“As you can clearly see, this frog is now completely deaf!”

Anonymous said...

The Cute Buttocks Therapy just hasn't worked!


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