Wednesday, March 25, 2009

There's no coming back ...


Anonymous said...

Tell us Prof Wessely - is this for the M.E. sufferers who have stopped 'thinking themselves ill' & because of the total lack of biomedical treatment have started thinking themselves dead?

Anonymous said...

sadly too many have died or are heading for an early grave, having an illness prof.wesseley believes doesn't exist. so many deluded patients - so we 'think' we have impaired blood flow to the brain /grossly impaired cognitive abilities / blood pooling in legs/ ...we 'think' we choke / have seizures / can't chew / swallow /cough/ can't move / lose motor control of limbs, body, speech / have muscle, nerve, joint pain, excrutiating deep bone pain etc, etc etc. -

we 'think' we would rather be bedbound / housebound - unable to work, pursue careers, raise a family, socialise, use our intellect, enjoy talents and hobbies - because we've become accustomed to staring at the ceiling, unable to go out or have visitors, lying in bed all day,for weeks, months, years or decades - with no end in sight.

we 'think' we would rather enjoy having the attention of exhausted spouses, partners, carers to cater for our most basic and personal needs.

we 'think' we would rather give up careers and jobs to live at poverty level on benefits or have illness and benefits denied.

so many patients 'thinking ' themselves ill - some to the point of dying. so many scientists 'thinking' they have hard scientific proof of symptoms, so many experienced and respected doctors over the decades 'thinking' they have described the reality of this illness time and time again, who have been doing their utmost to treat patients with this illness that doesn't exist...... so many deluded people evidently.

yes prof.wesseley - the world is flat, the holocaust never happened and m.e. is a neurological illness that doesn't exist. - if only that were so.



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