Monday, July 18, 2011

RIP Angela, who died of chronic Lyme Disease, which many doctors still say does not exist

Posted by knowlyme:

36 year-old Angela Quinn Hausman lost her 10-year battle to chronic Lyme Disease, which some (IDSA) doctors say does not exist, on Monday, Memorial Day- May 30, 2011.

If CLD didn’t exist, Angela would still be here, right now, caring for her husband and the 2 beautiful young children she left behind. She would still be spreading her bright light and caring soul in our Facebook Lyme community, cheering us up and on in our fights for our own lives…

We would be able to have the gift of time, getting to know her better, if she had gotten proper treatment for the long-term Borrelia infection that was raging through and devastating her precious body over the course of a decade.

She sought help in the medical community for this devastating disease, who still as a whole, deny how easy-to-get and hard-to-cure Lyme is! How many more of our desperately shining stars have to burn out from this persistent, rapidly-spreading, disabling and deadly disease before we are granted the basic American right to proper diagnosis and treatment?

This madness has to stop! With every Lyme death, the corruption in our medical system and government, becomes more and more transparent, like holding an x-ray up to the light.

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